Monday, June 23, 2008

Good Parenting and Concern for Children Education

Good parenting is vital for building good character among children. Good parenting is in fact is more important then even religious teaching in building character of children.

Many think for children’s success in education, parent income and their education level is a main contributing factor.

When a child from a poor family perform well in education and another from the same area but from a well of family does other wise, praise will go to the child of less well of family.

One must take note that, performance in education by any child does not depends on the affluence of the family the child come from or the education level of the child’s parents but rather it depends on the concern of the parents towards the child education.

Even if a child comes from an affluence family with parents of good tertiary education but does not show concern for children education, then the child could not do well in education but another child comes from a poor family but parents show concern for the child’s education, the child can do well in education.

Concern for child’s education means the parents must take care of the nutrient of the child; provide conducive study room, checking the child’s daily work on the curriculum side and on the co-curriculum, the parents must ensure to what the child is interested and engage the child in that field. If possible the parents must participate with the child for greater enhancement of family cohesiveness.

More time spent with children in a fruitful manner means, building harmonious and peaceful family. This will definitely reduce discipline problem and improve children performance in education

1 comment:

gerard_raj said...

This is definitely true. Parents are very important in a moulding child. Every bit of your writing was true. But all the other factors play an important role too. Parents mean both father and mother. If one is absent then there is a problem.