Monday, August 18, 2008

China in 2020

Japan was the first Asian nation to defeat an European nation in a war. South Korea paralleled Japan in Economic development in the 1980s. Chinaopened her door after the death of Chairman Moa by Deng.

China's vision is to be Master of Every thing in the world. They are having impressive economic growth for the last 30 years. Their goods have been flooding every country at affordable price.

Their superemacy had displayed in the 2008 Olympics. First Asia country to top the list as most number of gold medals collected in Olympics history.

China's vision is to master of everything, producing goods needed by every culture and religion in the world, mastering every art and sports and best in every thing possible.

Only if there is competition to sing "devaram" in Olympics I won't be suprise China winning a gold medal in that.

We Indians are not serious in doing any thing. Only if every one of us work with a common vision we can be the best. Indians have the intelligence and greater level of sense of survival with which we can be excellent.

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