Friday, May 15, 2009

Meditation and Mathematics

Meditation is an ancient art of mind concentration. Meditation often encouraged by sages in Hindu and Buddha religion.

Many persons involved with meditation often say, practicing meditation often improves concentration of mind which improves thinking ability without which the mind often thinks of other thinks which are no suppose to think at that time.

Some educationists do encourage students to practice meditation to enhance the students’ concentration ability.

I believe meditation is just thinking of something like just looking at a light in a dark room. Don’t see, don’t think any thing else, but only the light.

I believe such practice shuts down the brain. No thinking at all.

To improve concentration of mind, improving thinking skill and planning students should encourage practicing mathematics. Practicing Mathematics should be in the format of 5-3- 1. That is 5 easy questions, 3 medium questions and 1 difficult question.

By practicing in such format the students will not be bored as 8 out nine he/she gets the right answers. The one question he/she thinks.

Mathematics questions can be from any topics. Practice it about 2 hours a day then she the student improving.

As mathematics is not like other subjects. Other subjects memorizing is needed. In Mathematics thinking is needed. Analytical thinking is inculcated in the living of the child which will be beneficial to the child in the future.

One can notice most children who are good at mathematics will have a better future.