Friday, June 27, 2008

Love affairs and Maturity

Teens of today have greater gravity of freedom then the previous generation. Education system, working parents, better communication systems could be the contributing factors.

Freedom is not like a bird flying in the sky, but like a tree rooted to the ground. Freedom too must have limits. Culture is a way of life in which there are many unwritten rules. These unwritten rules curb our freedom.

To enjoy, benefit and to sustain freedom we must have maturity. Many teens, obtain their freedom from their parents at early age but they are not matured to value their freedom.

Many of them know facts of live at early age, of what their parents know at later age. With the help of cellular phones, their catchments area to find new friend widens. What is more of opposite sex friends?

Many of teens find a boy friends or girl friends at early age. It is a fashion to have one. Usually if one has a boy/girl friend then there is a demand for them. It makes them feel proud.

With the acquired freedom they move about together. They will practice anything the culture says wrong and they will say wrong anything the culture says right. Then after sometimes with a smallest ever misunderstanding they will end their friendship and they will find a new partner at soonest.

This trend continues even after the teens leave school. Maturity and patience to find a permanent live partner is lacking.

This could be a reason the divorce cases among Indians Malaysian are the highest. About a generation ago Indians had the lowest divorce level in the country.

High divorce rate will lead to the problem of single mothers. This is one of a main social problem among Malaysian Indians.

Studies show that persons who have high mobility nature of work will have multiple sex partners. They also likely to have more then one wife.

Many say love has no eyes but it has brain. So, show patience, use the brain with high level of maturity to find a good live partner to avoid problems later..

Monday, June 23, 2008

Good Parenting and Concern for Children Education

Good parenting is vital for building good character among children. Good parenting is in fact is more important then even religious teaching in building character of children.

Many think for children’s success in education, parent income and their education level is a main contributing factor.

When a child from a poor family perform well in education and another from the same area but from a well of family does other wise, praise will go to the child of less well of family.

One must take note that, performance in education by any child does not depends on the affluence of the family the child come from or the education level of the child’s parents but rather it depends on the concern of the parents towards the child education.

Even if a child comes from an affluence family with parents of good tertiary education but does not show concern for children education, then the child could not do well in education but another child comes from a poor family but parents show concern for the child’s education, the child can do well in education.

Concern for child’s education means the parents must take care of the nutrient of the child; provide conducive study room, checking the child’s daily work on the curriculum side and on the co-curriculum, the parents must ensure to what the child is interested and engage the child in that field. If possible the parents must participate with the child for greater enhancement of family cohesiveness.

More time spent with children in a fruitful manner means, building harmonious and peaceful family. This will definitely reduce discipline problem and improve children performance in education

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sports and Indians

In 1960s and 1970s Indians dominated in athletes and hockey. National hockey team consist and up to 9 Indian players out 11 players. In athletics, all events were from 100metres to Marathon run represented by Indians.

In school sport whether primary or secondary school, sports Indian students dominated.
Not to say the school cross country day.

Now the situation is different. Indians were hardly seen in any events. Hockey, Indians are almost out. In cross country here and there, one or two.

Where are the Indians? If you ask any Indian students for reason of non participation, the immediate answer is the “the Malay teachers are taking us in”. Is the answer acceptable?

So are in schools? If take in to accounts the Indian participation in the organized run like AM bank run, Adidas run the situation is the same. Only in the senior veteran we can see many Indians. Among younger group runners, we hardly see any Indians.

Why the young Indians are not interested in sports? The Chinese still dominating in all games that they dominated before like badminton basketball and swimming.

The Indian teens will watch EURO 2008, English premier league and many others but they only watch but do not want to play. No ambition to achieve any thing in sports.

Non participation in sports leads them to spend their time else where. Time spend else where may not be spend in the fruitful manner.

Sports build up discipline, perseverance and determination to achieve. Sports increases better physical health, fighting sprit and stamina.

I do not know why the present generation Indians are not interested in sports. I asked an Indian student on why he doesn’t play badminton. He said he could not afford to pay for the court. A teacher present with us supported him. I asked him back how can he afford to buy and maintain and hand phone. He remained silent.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Japanese and the Indians

Admiral Pareii (hope the spelling is right) was the first American to visit Japan in the year 1867. His armada, consist of steamers was coughing smoke which then the Japanese though the smoke was exhale from the dragons.

However, within thirty years, the Japanese built their own steam ships. They built armada of equal strength to the west. In the year 1903 they fought a war with Russia, which is known as battle of Trushima. The battle was fought in the sea of Trushima. Japanese won the war because, their canons had longer firing power. Japan was credited as the first Asian country to win a war against a European country.

To add to the Japanese success, Wright brothers found the first airplane at the beginning of the century but by the second world war, they made zero fighters which crossed pacific ocean and attacked Pearl Harbour. They also made aircraft carrier and several other engineering goods to match the west.

We Indians, did not learn the engineering skills of the west but rather their religion and language. Both did not elevate any way our standard of living but rather we become the slaves of the west. Indians aped their way of living.

While Japanese are super rich, we are still talking of poverty and still exist problems with education and unable to compete with others in almost anything good. What is wrong with us?

I believe we are not emphasizing on self respect. If we expect some body to respect us we have to be better in something someway. We must have skills to add value to anything, which can only be done, if we are entrepreneurs. As long as our community works for others we will be making others rich. We can only become rich if we make others to work for us.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

English Language and Savings Toward Education.

I read an article on Times of India today (15th June 2008). The extract of the article is as follows.

CHENNAI: The students with Tamil as their mother tongue manage to score better in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). According to British Council, which organises IELTS world wide, the Tamil students outperformed all others in the country and managed to get marks better than the national average in IElTS for academics.

"IELTS is taken by students who want to pursue higher studies in foreign countries which has English as first language. In India, 1,60,000 students write IELTS annually. More than 10,000 students appear for the test from TN.

The Tamil students managed to score an overall average of 6.21 in IELTS, which is more than the national average of 5.97. The IELTS allows the student to score a maximum mark of 9 in streams like listening, re writing and speaking. Hindi speaking students have come second to Tamils in the overall average score followed by Keraliites.

"Tamils have proved their mettle in reading all sections of the tests, reading and speaking, Tamils proved better," Anish said.

The number of Tamil students taking IELTS has also gone up considerably over the past few years, following an upsurge in the number of students seeking admission in Western and American Universities in recent years. According to sources, the education fairs held by foreign universities in Chennai has attracted a lot more students to apply for higher studies abroad.

The above extract shows the keenness shown by Tamilians on studying English Language. English language gives wider knowledge. Broaden our views.

The many Malaysian Tamils do not have good command of English Language. Many knows Tamil and Malay Languages only. It is an unfortunate that the two known languages do not give sufficient worldly knowledge.

Secondly, the above article do inform the keenness shown by Tamils of Tamil Nadu to send their children to study overseas.

In Malaysia, only if there is no PTPTN loan there may be many Tamilians, cannot even go to Kuala Lumpur for studies. Just imagine how backward we Tamilians in Malaysian.
Our savings towards education is low. May be, low income can be a contributing factor but lack of emphasis for education can be another factor because many will spend lavishly for Deepavali in October or November but will how unwillingness in January for children education.

Investment on human resources is the most important investment to remain competetitive.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Indian Students, Teachers, and Stream of Studies in Upper Secondary (part 2)

Europe during the time of renaissance between 14th and 16th centuries developed their art and culture. Then followed by scientific developments, which gave rise to building of large ships to cross oceans. Crossing large oceans rewarded them with finding of new land which made new imbalance in the world economics.

Asia in general and China and India in particular reduced to no where in world economics. Asia minus Japan hasn't made any new discoveries after the European started colonization.

The changes were indication that continuous progress in the field of science and technology is vital for progress and domination of any community. Finland a small country in Europe is popular with the world famous product "Nokia". Denmark with "Dancall".

We Indians especially the Tamils, show very little interest toward science subjects. Some think they must offer Tamil for the public examinations because they studied Tamil in Primary schools for six years and they continue to offer. Some think the Tamil Language increases their employment opportunity especially as Tamil Teachers.

If a science student offers Tamil in public examinations and qualifies as engineers or technocrats their contribution can be even higher. An Example, SMS in Tamil. Who could have found it? Must be, by the same type of persons, who studied soft ware engineering and Tamil Language. Who would have found the Tamil word processing soft ware. The same types of people are who found Tamil SMS.

Their contribution towards modernisation of language and culture could be higher.

With that I always encourage Tamil medium students to qualify for science stream and offer Tamil at public examinations. Then go for highly skill industries like nanotechnology, there use their mother tongue.

Persons from South Asia those who won their Noble prize wrote their scientific discoveries in English but the Germans and the Japanese wrote their reports in their own mother tongue.